Unit test Angular
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Course's detail introductiton
Chuyên đề
Bài giảng
Link document1Bài học ·
Intro to testing3Bài học ·
Set up testing00:00
Testing in continuous integration00:00
Code coverage1Bài học ·
Code coverage enforcement00:00
Testing services6Bài học ·
Services with dependencies00:00
Testing services with the TestBed00:00
Angular TestBed00:00
Testing without beforeEach()00:00
Testing HTTP services00:00
Basics of testing components3Bài học ·
Component class testing00:00
Component DOM testing00:00
Reduce the setup00:00
Component testing scenarios10Bài học ·
Component binding00:00
Component with external files00:00
Component with a dependency00:00
Component with async service00:00
Component marble tests00:00
Component with inputs and outputs00:00
Component inside a test host00:00
Routing component00:00
Routed components00:00
Nested component tests00:00
Exercises3Bài học ·
Exercise 1: Testing a Component00:00
Exercise 2: Testing a Service00:00
Exercise 3: Testing an Angular Form00:00
Khóa học liên quan
Cập nhật Lần cuối | 17/01/2024 |
Thành viên | 0 |
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